Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Cell Phones woes in the midst of a job hunt

Today I got my first call back for a possible position. Of course it happened during class when I couldn't answer and after class, my cell phone managed to break. It gave me the same error message once before and I managed to fix it, but now I think this is the end. This time it says the same error message and it won't stay on for more than 45 seconds.

I am years overdue for a new cell phone with Verizon, but now their website won't let me do it online. It is giving me a 1-800 # to call. My cell phone is my only phone, so that won't work. I sent them an e-mail to find out if that was the only option. If it is, I don't care, I'm switching services. Verizon has been hounding me to upgrade for a couple years because the service plan I have isn't one they offer anymore. If they get me to fundamentally change plans, they don't have to offer me as much money toward a new phone as this plan has. I hate it when companies make your life more difficult to get more money out of you.

The only way that they can get me to switch is by confusing me on the phone. I don't want to upgrade by phone. I need to see all my options laid out in front of me. Every time I've upgraded on the phone it has turned into a giant mess and I end up without a service that I want or with one that I don't. Why make it so difficult?? Two months ago I could upgrade online no problem. ARGH! And I need to do this fast so I can continue my job search.

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