Sunday, April 8, 2007

It makes me sick

"If Jesus was here tonight, I can guarantee you he'd want him terminated," said Pastor Ron Saunders of Largo's Lighthouse Baptist Church. "Make no mistake about it."


This is why I have difficulties with so much of Christianity. Jesus who said to turn the other cheek, Jesus who walked with prostitutes and lepers, who sought out the lowest of the low in society at the time. I can guarantee you that Jesus would not want her "terminated." What is so scary about a transgendered person transitioning? Does the pastor who said that worry that he too will start questioning his gender? I wish I knew how to contact the person in Florida. I'd love to send a supportive e-mail.

My plan was to write about what a feeling of relief I had when, during church this morning, Molly the minister talked about miracles. We had heard the reading of Mark in which the woman come to his tomb to annoint his body and he is not there. Then it ends. She talked of how Mark is the biblical book written first and in that one, we don't see Christ resurrected in a physical body. That came later. She talked a lot more about miracles and the movement of the rock and how a miracle doesn't have to be God reaching out to move the rock away, but it could be an acceleration of a natural process, the ground thawing and shifting, a small earthquake. It felt so nice to be in a church where I don't have to give up my intellect to be a part of it.

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